Byzantine Choir

"Make a joyful sound unto the Lord, all you lands! Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing ...- Psalm 100:1. This verse from Psalms speaks of invitation, participation, rejoicing and praising God with song.  It is exactly what a Greek Orthodox Church Choir does! 

A Greek Orthodox Choir comes before God’s presence in liturgical worship, prayerfully singing praises to the Lord.  As the clergy’s liturgical partner, this ministry requires devotion and commitment and the Cathedral of St. Paul is especially blessed to have choir members who serve throughout the year at one or both Sunday Divine Liturgies.  Adrienne Stamatas-Borbely, our  dedicated Music Director, has been with St. Paul’s Choir for over 35 years as accompanist/organist and now directs the choir at rehearsals  and Sunday services.  To continue our choral tradition, the choir constantly seeks new talented members in all four voice parts.  The minimum age is 13 years old.  Reading Greek is not  required as the music is also written with English phonetics. In order to be properly prepared for services, the choir rehearses bi-monthly on Thursday evenings at 8:00 p.m.  Please join the choir in song and  fellowship. Simply come up to the loft.


Upcoming Events

Fasting Period of the Church
Mar 26 6 am
The Liturgy of the Pre Sanctified Gifts
Mar 26 6 pm
Lenten Dinner Lecture Series Hosted by JOY. Speaker Robert Drexel
Mar 26 7 pm
Fasting Period of the Church
Mar 27 6 am
Hellenic American Heritage Flag Raising
Mar 27 11 am

2025 Stewardship Form

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Services Schedule

Sundays: Orthros - 7:45 AM |  Divine Liturgy - 9:00 AM

Tuesdays: Paraklesi - 10:00am

For information on all weekly Liturgies and Services please visit our calendar page or contact the Church office at (516) 483-5700

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