Stewardship: Giving Back to God

Without Stewardship, these Ministries, Clubs and Organizations would not be  possible. (Give cheerfully - "Let everyone give as his heart tells him, neither grudgingly, nor under compulsion, for God loves the man that gives cheerfully.") (II Cor. 9:7).

We want our parishioners and guests to become familiar with these different organizations and ministries that have had a positive impact on our parish and our community.

Is there a difference in Church Membership?

Yes! There is active membership and inactive membership. Active members are people who are baptized or chrismated in the Orthodox Church, who nurture their faith through participation in the Sacraments, such as Holy Communion, Confession, etc., and who  contribute their resources, i.e., time, talent, ability and finances. Active members are members in good standing.

Inactive members are people who are baptized or chrismated in the Orthodox Church, who do not nurture their faith through participation in the Sacraments, such as Holy   Communion, Confession, etc., and/or who do not contribute their resources, i.e., time,  talent and treasure (finances).  The Parish of St. Paul needs your active membership. We need you as a steward.

What is the Stewardship Program of church support?

The Stewardship Program of Church Support is believing in Christ's Church and wanting to support and continue His work on earth.

Stewardship is a spiritual discipline that helps keep our lives focused upon God. It reminds us that all we have comes from God.

It is a way to meet our financial obligations to our Church and Parish with Christian concern, dignity and equity.

It is a means of financial support of the Church, based on true Christian giving and on our individual responsibility.

It is the one way that views the support of the Church as a matter of personal commitment and conscience.

Stewardship eliminates inequalities and places the responsibility of Church support where it belongs - in the hands of each parishioner.


Upcoming Events

Fasting Period of the Church
Mar 26 6 am
The Liturgy of the Pre Sanctified Gifts
Mar 26 6 pm
Lenten Dinner Lecture Series Hosted by JOY. Speaker Robert Drexel
Mar 26 7 pm
Fasting Period of the Church
Mar 27 6 am
Hellenic American Heritage Flag Raising
Mar 27 11 am

2025 Stewardship Form

Resources and Links

Our Orthodox Faith

Services Schedule

Sundays: Orthros - 7:45 AM |  Divine Liturgy - 9:00 AM

Tuesdays: Paraklesi - 10:00am

For information on all weekly Liturgies and Services please visit our calendar page or contact the Church office at (516) 483-5700

Use    to pay your Stewardship, Pay Nursery School Tuition or Make a Donation Online

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