Homebound Ministries

The Homebound Ministry was founded in 2002 as a special organization for those parishioners of St. Paul with medical  restrictions. It became apparent that many of these parishioners with special needs did not attend the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, and therefore the Homebound Ministry was established to reach out to these  individuals.

Several times our Cleregy conduct the Divine Liturgy for them so they can receive Holy Communion. This liturgy is always held on a Saturday for the convenience of their   families and caregivers. Following the  Liturgy, they enjoy a luncheon in the Cathedral Center, which is prepared by Lou Patrickakos and his volunteers.

To help our parishioners using wheelchairs and walkers we provides a special ramp so they can enter the Cathedral Center safely. The Homebound Ministry has provided an opportunity for our members to attend the Divine Liturgy, make new friends and to enjoy a pleasant “away from home activity”. New members are always welcomed.   For more information please contact Joan Prieston.


Upcoming Events

Fasting Period of the Church
Mar 26 6 am
The Liturgy of the Pre Sanctified Gifts
Mar 26 6 pm
Lenten Dinner Lecture Series Hosted by JOY. Speaker Robert Drexel
Mar 26 7 pm
Fasting Period of the Church
Mar 27 6 am
Hellenic American Heritage Flag Raising
Mar 27 11 am

2025 Stewardship Form

Resources and Links

Our Orthodox Faith

Services Schedule

Sundays: Orthros - 7:45 AM |  Divine Liturgy - 9:00 AM

Tuesdays: Paraklesi - 10:00am

For information on all weekly Liturgies and Services please visit our calendar page or contact the Church office at (516) 483-5700

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