Daughters of Penelope

The Daughters of Penelope was the realization of Alexandra Apostolides’ dream. Her desire was to create a women’s organization and through her determination she formed EOS Chapter #1 with 25 members in San Francisco in 1929. Following in the objectives of the     Daughters of Penelope, Pasithea’s membership continues to promote  Education, Philanthropy and Civic Responsibility.  The dedication to support the education of women, of those in need,  and our Cathedral of St. Paul began with the legacy passed forward from our   founding Sisters…always working to strive with respect, honesty and cooperation for the good of the order…not for the good of ourselves.  As Daughters we promote the spirit of cooperation and to work closely and in harmony with the Ahepa family; the Maids, Ahepa and the Sons.  


Upcoming Events

Dec 22 6 am
Christmas Fasting Period of the Church
Dec 22 6 am
Nameday of our Chapel - St. Anastasia
Dec 22 7 am
Orthros 7:45am / Divine Liturgy 9:00am
Dec 22 7:45 am
St. Anna's Philoptochos Christmas bake sale
Dec 22 11 am

2025 Stewardship Form

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Our Orthodox Faith

Services Schedule

Sundays: Orthros - 7:45 AM |  Divine Liturgy - 9:00 AM

Tuesdays: Paraklesi - 10:00am

For information on all weekly Liturgies and Services please visit our calendar page or contact the Church office at (516) 483-5700

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