Nursery School


The Cathedral of St. Paul Nursery School is a preschool program for 2 and 3 year-old children.  Our program is designed to enrich children’s intellectual growth, as well as their social and emotional development, in a nurturing and spiritual setting.  Our student to teacher ratio is small to accommodate children's individual needs and attention.

Our goal is to encourage your children to become creative thinkers and independent learners.  Our facilities consist of student-centered classrooms, indoor gym, and outdoor playground.  Parents are welcome to visit our facilities to meet our staff.  Please contact our office for registration forms and/or more information (516) 483-5700.  We look forward to meeting you!

Our program offers:

  • 2 year old – Monday/Wednesday/Friday - 9:00 am - 11:30 am
    • OR
  • 2 year old - Tuesday/Thursday - 9:00am - 11:30am
  • 3 year old – Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday - 9:00 am - 2:00 pm 
    • OR
  • 3 year old - Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm



We are an all nut free zone school.  Parents are responsible to provide a healthy snack and lunch daily.



Children will get to experience reading readiness through literature / story time, and will be introduced to the alphabet and the numbers 1 through 10.  They will explore science through their environment, using hands on activities, and talking about animals, plants, and nature.

Children will build and strengthen their fine motor skills through arts and crafts, and express themselves through music and dance. 

Social and emotional growth will be encouraged through play.




Pickup / Dropoff

Children must be dropped off and picked up at their designated time.  If someone other than the parent or guardian is picking up your child, the parent must notify the teacher.  The person who is picking up your child must present a photo ID at the time of pick up.


School Closings

We generally follow Garden City Schools. Parents will be notified by email and Remind Application.  



Health Policy

Please notify the school if your child will be absent.  If your child is sick, they must be free of fever and/or vomiting for 24 hours before attending school.

Disciplinary Policy

Our teachers use positive reinforcement and redirection to enforce and encourage acceptable and appropriate behavior.  Parents will be notified if inappropriate behavior is displayed to discuss the appropriate action.




The Cathedral of St. Paul Nursery School began operation in the Fall of 2007 as a joint effort of the Clergy, Parish Council and a group of parents who want to give their children a nursery school experience with a christian perspective at very affordable tuition rates.


We believe that a child who feels good about himself or herself is ready to try anything. At The Cathedral of St. Paul Nursery School we use a positive approach to real life opportunities for learning and advancement of skills.

We provide a unique and innovated program to assist children’s development using various hands on activities. We do not model. We open a child’s eyes to the world of nature, language and music. We are confident that we can help your child grow socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually.

The most wonderful part of our program is the opportunity given to learn how to socialize with one’s peers in an atmosphere that provides both acceptance and limits, so essential to a young child’s development.



Cathedral of St. Paul Nursery School
110 Cathedral Avenue
Hempstead, New York 11550

516-483-5700 /



Upcoming Events

The Liturgy of the Pre Sanctified Gifts
Mar 12 6 pm
Lenten Lecture Series and Dinner Hosted by GOYA - Speaker George Liasi
Mar 12 7 pm
Fasting Period of the Church
Mar 13 6 am
Boy Scouts meeting-gym
Mar 13 8 pm
Fasting Period of the Church
Mar 14 6 am

2025 Stewardship Form

Resources and Links

Our Orthodox Faith

Services Schedule

Sundays: Orthros - 7:45 AM |  Divine Liturgy - 9:00 AM

Tuesdays: Paraklesi - 10:00am

For information on all weekly Liturgies and Services please visit our calendar page or contact the Church office at (516) 483-5700

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