Cathedral of Saint Paul Greek School 

(Click here to download a copy of the Greek School Rules and Procedures)

1.DISMISSAL: Dismissal will be at the BACK DOOR of the Cassis Building. Classes will
be dismissed ONE AT A TIME. Teachers will bring their students to the back door and
release them only to a parent or authorized guardian who must wait outside the back
door. If you are not present, your child will be held back in the Cassis Building. Children
may no longer wait in the parking lot unattended. Classroom 2 will be the waiting area
for students whose parents are late. If you are running late please contact your child’s
teacher on her cell phone at the END OF CLASS or call the Cathedral Office at 483-5700
prior to DISMISSAL.

2. WEATHER CLOSURE: We generally follow the decisions of the Garden City and
Hempstead school districts regarding closure due to inclement weather. We do not call
students. You may call the Cathedral office at (516) 483-5700 to determine if classes will
not be held on any given day. As a general matter, the final decision regarding closure
will be made about 45 minutes before the scheduled commencement of classes.

3. HOMEWORK/CORRESPONDENCE FOLDERS: Each student will be given a
FOLDER in which items to be sent home will be placed at the end of each class. You
may also use this folder to communicate with your child’s teacher. PLEASE CHECK

4. HALL MONITORS/SECURITY POLICY: No entry to the Cassis Building is permitted
other than students, teachers and authorized staff, while classes are in session. There
will be no exceptions to this policy. You may however be admitted if you need to pick up
your child early from class. Hall Monitors will be assigned to enforce this policy and to
assist teachers with administrative matters.


  1. Students are expected to show proper respect to the Clergy, Principal, Teaching
    staff and fellow students. Misconduct including, without limitation, bullying of
    any kind, will not be tolerated.
  2. Use of cellular phones or other electronic devices during class hours is strictly
    prohibited unless your child’s teacher specifically authorizes such use. All cell
    phones should be turned off or put in silent mode during class. If you must speak
    with your child, please call the Cathedral Office (516) 483-5700 or call your
  3. No gum chewing is permitted in class. Eating and drinking are permitted during
    “snacktime” only.


  1. A child that misses 6 classes may be put on academic probation. The teacher will
    send a note home when your child misses 4 classes advising you of your attendance
    status and will notify the Principal of such absences.
  2. If the child misses 6 or more classes, the child cannot be promoted to the next
    grade, unless a waiver is granted which is approved by both the teacher AND the
  3. If a child leaves late or early on a repeated basis, the teacher may count it as a partial
    absence which will be prorated. (e.g. 1 hour late is 1/3 absence for the 3 hour
  4. Parents whose child will be absent must notify your teacher before class starts to
    advise of the absence. If you are calling during class, please call the Principal of
    teacher in advance. The reason for this rule is to ensure that teachers can be apprised
    of what child will not be there, and we can reach out to parents for children
    who are not accounted for. A note must be presented at the following class explaining
    the absence.

7. GREEK ZONE: Our Greek School will be a Greek language zone. We will encourage
all students and parents alike to use as much of their knowledge of Greek as is possible to
communicate with one another and with teachers and staff. No worries if you do not
speak well or at all. We want all to have fun learning and to take advantage of every opportunity
to learn more Greek!!

8. GREEK OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM: Each week you child will come home with a
Greek Language Practice Sheet. All students must spend at least 15 minutes a day reading,
writing or speaking Greek. It can be conversations with other Greek speakers, reading
from textbooks or short-story books or online resources or just SINGING ALONG
TO GREEK SONGS. It is critical to our childrens’ learning that they use Greek as often
as possible. The time they spend in class is not enough! To help with this we have attached
a List of Online Resources for you to use. Parents will be required to initial this
sheet each day and return in to the teacher in the student’s Homework folder.

9. GREEK SCHOOL LIBRARY: Our Greek School Library (located in Room 1) is
available for use by our teachers. We will ask teachers to incorporate these books into
their lessons and to periodically provide their students with books to take home to read
and then return to class. Please be sure to spend the extra time when your child brings a
book home and please don’t forget to return the book the following week so that another
child may take it home. Please consider donating Greek language children’s books to our

10. REFUND POLICY: In the unlikely event that you wish to withdraw your child from
Greek School, our tuition refund policy is as follows: 100% refund if you withdraw before
the first class of your child’s Greek School session; 75% refund if you withdraw after
the first class but before the second class, 50% refund if you withdraw after the second
class but before the third class; 25% refund if you withdraw after the third class but
before the fourth class; and 0% refund if you withdraw after the fourth class. To withdraw
you must notify the Principal. Unfortunately we cannot refund amounts spent on
books or PTA dues.

Upcoming Events

4th Salutations to the Virgin Mary
Mar 28 7 pm
Fasting Period of the Church
Mar 29 6 am
Hosting District II Oratorical Festival--CC
Mar 29 8 am
Fasting Period of the Church
Mar 30 6 am
Mar 30 7 am

2025 Stewardship Form

Resources and Links

Our Orthodox Faith

Services Schedule

Sundays: Orthros - 7:45 AM |  Divine Liturgy - 9:00 AM

Tuesdays: Paraklesi - 10:00am

For information on all weekly Liturgies and Services please visit our calendar page or contact the Church office at (516) 483-5700

Use    to pay your Stewardship, Pay Nursery School Tuition or Make a Donation Online

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