Altar Boys

The Altar Boy program has been an integral part of the St. Paul’s ministry.  The young men of our community have had a unique opportunity to actively participate in the liturgical life of the church by assisting the clergy at the Holy Altar.  Those who have served as altar boys will always remember the unique “front row” experience in the sacramental and liturgical events of the church. As one might expect, this early interaction with the sacramental life of the church has resulted in many young men being drawn to the priesthood, From St. Paul eight men have become  clergy.  This includes:

Fr. Dimitrios J. Antokas

Fr. Dr. Emanuel S. Chris

Fr. Chris Constantinou

Fr. Constantine Mangos

Fr. George Dounelis

Deacon Peter J. Boulouykos

Fr. Christopher Xanthos

Fr. Vincent Minucci.

Grouped in "teams" of 8 to 10 members, each team is lead by three team leaders, who are generally older altar boys.  An adult coordinator is present every Sunday to assist and instruct the boys and to coordinate schedules.  The young men  receive credit for Sunday School attendance and serve approximately every three to four weeks. In addition to serving on Sundays, the altar boy teams will meet several times during the year. These small group sessions will give the boys an opportunity to ask questions, practice    processions and routines, and learn more about their Orthodox faith. For more information or questions, please contact Louis Yeostros (, Altar Boy Coordinator.

Upcoming Events

Cathedral Cup
Mar 1 11 am
Mar 2 6 am
Orthros 7:45am / Divine Liturgy 9:00am
Mar 2 7:45 am
Cub Scouts Bake Sale
Mar 2 11 am
Forgiveness Vespers
Mar 2 5 pm

2025 Stewardship Form

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Our Orthodox Faith

Services Schedule

Sundays: Orthros - 7:45 AM |  Divine Liturgy - 9:00 AM

Tuesdays: Paraklesi - 10:00am

For information on all weekly Liturgies and Services please visit our calendar page or contact the Church office at (516) 483-5700

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