Scout Program

The Scout Oath: “On my honor I will do my best; To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other   people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight” The church recognizes the core values of the Boy Scouts program as supportive of youth ministry. St. Paul’s Troop 568 is one of a dozen scout troops in the metropolitan area that are chartered by Orthodox parishes.  As a youth ministry founded in the early 1960’s more than  65 young men have achieved the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout.

Cub Scout Den 568: The “junior” division of the scouting program, currently with 20 boys between the ages of 7 and 10 years old, introduces scout values by providing fun and activity filled events.  Together with their peers and parents, the Cub Scouts work on their age appropriate badges and rank advancements, mastering new skills and abilities while developing self-confidence.  Activities include building match cars for the Pinewood Derby, camping and hiking trips, visits to Home Depot, car repair, and  two religious medals, the St. George and Chi-Ro.  

Boy Scout Troop 568: The main program for boys ages 10 to 17, enables young men to learn life’s more serious lessons of self-discipline, leadership, responsibility, and duty to God, while having fun with their peers.  The program combines active and participatory experiences such as camping, fishing, and hiking trips, along with the week-long summer camping trip in the Catskills. The Boy Scouts also work with our clergy on achieving the Alpha/Omega religious medal and numerous community service projects

With adult guidance, senior level scouts, plan and run troop meetings, providing them an opportunity to learn and test leadership skills and be active participants their community at large.  The Scouts are encouraged to serve as Altar Boys, to become involved with GOYA, with other community activities, and the parish’s annual Long Island Greek Festival.

Troop 568 Leadership:
Charter Organization Representative:  Aris Papangelopoulos
Troop Committee Chairperson: Edgar Ciar
Scoutmaster: John Vasilakis

Both programs meet Thursday evenings. For information, please contact the  membership coordinators, Dora Ciar ( for the Cub Scouts and John Vasilakis ( for the Boy Scouts.

Girls Scouts : Our fun and vibrant group of Daisy Girl Scouts meet every other Tuesday. The girls are in kindergarten and first grade. The focus is on the leadership philosophy of girls discovering themselves and their   values, caring and teamwork with each  other, and taking action to improve their communities and the world. A petal is  given to a Daisy girl once she has  completed a lesson from the above. 

There are also various awards given out that are so important in our daily lives:  being responsible for what a girl says and does; a gardening effort for others to make the world a better place; and knowing and living the Promise and Law of a Girl Scout.  Through their faith in God and their   promise to make the world a better place, The Girls of the Girl Scouts Daisy Troop #1191 will always be proud of who they are.

For more information, please contact Tina Vasilakis ( or Maria Papachristos (

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Mar 29 6 am
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Mar 29 8 am
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Mar 30 6 am
Mar 30 7 am
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Mar 30 7:45 am

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